
Victoria Falls

The mighty Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, and is one of Africa’s most sought-after attractions.

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Everything you need to know

The mighty Victoria Falls is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and is one of Africa’s most sought-after attractions. This jaw-dropping spectacle is traditionally known as Mosi-oa-Tunya meaning “The Smoke that Thunders”. The falls plummet over a width of 1708 meters and create a thunderous roar with huge pillars of spray that drench the area in a dazzling curtain of mist.

Where is Victoria Falls located?

Vic Falls is located at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe on the Zambezi River in southern Africa. It is shared by Zambia in the east and Zimbabwe in the west and can be accessed from either country.

When to visit Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is a year-round destination, with each season offering something unique to enjoy. What you want to experience when you visit will determine the best time to go. 

Dry Season / Peak Water Season (April-August)

The months following the rainy season are when the Falls are at their peak. In April and May the water levels are at their highest and the Falls are a magnificent sight to behold. Despite it being the dry season however, the sheer power and intensity of the Falls create thick mist drenching everything and making visibility quite poor.

Dry Season / Low Water Season (September-November)

September to November can be very hot, with temperatures rising to 90-100°F. The low water does however make for excellent views of the geological formations of the Falls. It is also a great season for white water rafting and an experience at Devil’s Pool.

Rainy Season / Rising Water Season (December-March)

December to March is the peak of the rainy season which comes in the form of rumbling afternoon thunderstorms. This creates extraordinary rainbows against dark, dramatic skies. Dubbed the ‘Emerald Season’ it is the time when the landscape flourishes, making for some incredible photographs. However, towards February, as the Zambezi swells with the rain, activities like white water rafting and Devil’s Pool start to shut down.

Top experiences to enjoy in Victoria Falls

Guests from Stanley & Livingstone Lodge enjoying a guided tour of Victoria Falls

Guided tour of Victoria Falls

Joining a professional guide on a walking tour of Falls and the surrounding rainforest is a must when visiting Vic Falls. Experiencing the heart-pounding sensation of standing right on the edge is the only real way to really witness the grandeur and sheer magnitude. Having someone there to guide you and show you the ropes is invaluable. Photo credit | Stanley & Livingstone Hotel

Guests swimming in Devil's Pool above Victoria Falls

Devil’s Pool

Thousands of years of erosion have created many rock pools formed around Victoria Falls. Devil’s Pool is the most famous of all, located right on the precipice of a 100 meter drop. Those seeking a thrill have to experience leaping into this death-defying swimming hole. Accessible from the Zambian side of the Falls, this is considered the ultimate adrenaline-fueled infinity pool.

Helicopter flying through Batoka Gorge at Victoria Falls

Helicopter Flight

The views of Vic Falls are breathtaking from wherever you take them in. But soaring above the Falls in a helicopter takes the beauty to a whole new level. This unforgettable flight circles over the Falls, nearby islands, and along the Zambezi River. It is an opportunity to take incredible photographs of the rainbows that arch over the Falls, and see this mighty wonder from a whole new perspective.

Guests enjoying a sunset Zambezi river cruise at Victoria Falls

Zambezi River Cruise

Watching the sun sink into the calm Zambezi river on a relaxing cruise is a must. The Zambezi river that links Zambia and Zimbabwe is alive with birdlife, wildlife and extraordinary views. Whether it’s a safari cruise, sundowner cruise, or dinner cruise, you are guaranteed to experience the Zambezi in all its glory.

White water rafting experience in Batoka Gorge, Victoria Falls

White Water Rafting

For the more thrill-seeking traveler, white water rafting is a must! The Zambezi is considered one of the most sought-after white water rafting corridors in the world. The wide river canyons are home to rapids with names like, “The Terminator”, “The Washing Machine” and “Judgement Day”. It is no wonder white water rafting in Vic Falls is considered to be the best one-day rafting trip in the world.

A woman launches off a platform at Victoria Falls

Bungee Jumping

The Vic Falls bungee jump is one of the most scenic and spectacular in the world, and is also one of the highest. Standing at a staggering 111 meters, jumpers can experience a free fall of around five seconds. Leaping into the void with the wild river below and the Falls thundering behind you is an adrenaline experience for the books. 

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