

Top 7 Things to do in Tanzania

Written by Joseph Cameron

Wondering what to do in Tanzania? If you’re headed in this direction, we’ve got you covered. Tanzania is an incredibly diverse destination, especially if you are in the market for close encounters with some of Mother Nature’s most impressive creatures. Wildebeest jostle one another across the plains, hippos hold sway in unspoiled waterways, elephants traverse seasonal migration routes and above it all, chimpanzees look down from their perches in the treetops. In short – it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed a real life African safari could be and more.

At Ker & Downey® Africa, we’re never quite done exploring a destination. With each excursion into Tanzania, we’re learning more about this fascinating destination from the passionate locals that call it home. As such, our list of things to do in Tanzania will never be entirely finished. That said, we are pretty happy with the epic adventures we’ve lined up so far. Here are a few of our favourites:

01 Witness the great wildebeest migration from a hot-air balloon

The wildebeest migrations across the vast Serengeti are nothing short of spectacular. Viewing it from a safari vehicle will leave you breathless, so just imagine how incredible it must be to see the intricacies of this massive herd movement from an aerial vantage point. We’re here to tell you that game watching seldom gets better than a hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti. The aerial conditions above the region are particularly well suited to gentle balloon rides, which is just perfect – because there is so much to see! Depending on when you choose to ascend, you could encounter calving season in February, or theatrical river crossings in June and July – equally spellbinding on all counts.

02 Safari by mountain bike

Cycling enthusiasts, assemble! You can now enjoy Tanzania bike safaris in Arusha National Park. Cycle between giraffes and volcanoes with a trained park ranger as your guide. Professional bicycles are included in the rate of this excursion, and while you have to be moderately fit to partake in the outing, the flat 10km track follows an enjoyable route through some of the most beautiful fauna and flora the region has to offer. It’s a great way to work up a bit of a sweat while traversing otherwise impassable terrain.

cycle between giraffes tanzania

“Cycle between giraffes and volcanoes with a trained park ranger as your guide.”
Cycle through the Serengeti at Singita Sasakwa
Cycle through the Serengeti at Singita Sasakwa

03 Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Situated in the national park of the same name, Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain. Summiting its impressive reaches is on the bucket list of seasoned adventurers the world over, and with good reason – nothing beats that view from the top. Please note that self-guided climbs are not advised. There are professional activity providers available to guide you on your way and provide all the information and provisions you need to complete this journey successfully. We highly recommend combining your hiking expedition with a Kilimanjaro safari in order to make the most of your time in Tanzania, and who wouldn’t want to end off their adventurous days with a few comfortable nights?

Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

Mount Kilimanjaro Tanzania

04 Experience an Arusha coffee tour

Arusha is home to some of the most expansive coffee plantations in East Africa. Sign up for a plantation tour and experience the coffee making process from soil to saucer – visit nurseries, tour a fully-grown plantation, make your way through a factory and learn how coffee is grown, harvested, dried and processed into the fragrant beverage that winds up in your cup. Naturally, there are also plenty of opportunities to sample the coffee and purchase wonderful blends to take back home.

arusha coffee

“Arusha is home to some of the most expansive coffee plantations in East Africa.”

05 Pop over to Zanzibar for some adrenaline activities

A Tanzanian safari without an excursion to the island of Zanzibar is a little like Indiana Jones without his whip – somewhat incomplete. Try to time your Tanzania tour so you’ll have time to pop over to this exquisite island to partake in a few adrenaline activities. Dhow safaris, scuba diving adventures and sky-diving opportunities abound, and you could even join in on a Spice Tour to learn more about the fascinating spice trade that shaped the history of the island.

Dhow safaris off the coast of Zanzibar
Dhow safaris off the coast of Zanzibar
“Try to time your Tanzania tour so you’ll have time to pop over to this exquisite island to partake in a few adrenaline activities.”

tanzania boat trips

06 Walk the walk on an active safari

If you’re looking for a deeper bush experience, a walking safari is a must. These active outings take you right into the heart of the action in regions as diverse as the Namiri Plains and Jabali Ridge. Conducted by experienced guides who know the lay of the land, this is the perfect opportunity to learn about the Tanzanian ecosystem from the ground up – read animal tracks, encounter beetles and bugs, inspect bushes and trees, and who knows, maybe even see some larger mammals up close.

walking safari in tanzania
Photo credit | Namiri Plains Camp

07 Book a fly camping excursion

Fly camping is tailor-made for travellers who yearn for an adventurous experience. A small, intimate camp is set up in an area away from the main camp for your exclusive use and usually booked as part of a walking safari – the perfect opportunity to marvel at the beauty of Tanzania far from the madding crowd.

fly camping
Photo credit | Oliver’s Camp

things to do in tanzania

Photo credit | Oliver’s Camp
“Fly camping is tailor-made for travellers who yearn for an adventurous experience.”

If you would like to learn more about our suggested things to do in Tanzania, get in touch with one of our safari experts.


things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania


things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania

things to do in tanzania